The Undersigned hereby affirms that the Undersigned has read and understands the Terms and Conditions of this agreement, and accepts and agrees to all of its terms and conditions. The Undersigned affirms that the Undersigned enters into this agreement voluntarily, with full knowledge of its effect.
The Undersigned affirms that the Undersigned is authorized, by virtue of the Undersigned's title with the business entity, to execute this document by the business entity or such other person on whose behalf it is submitted.
The Undersigned is solely responsible for any loss, damage, or injury caused by the Undersigned, its employees, agents, or exhibits. The Exhibitor agrees to indemnify and hold harmless RVA Tattoo Arts LLC and Shamin/Koger LLC (the venue parent company) from any and all claims arising out of the Undersigned's participation in the Convention
The Undersigned agrees to comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and ordinances, as well as the rules and guidelines set forth by RVA Tattoo Arts LLC and Shamin/Koger LLC (the venue parent company). Removal from the convention is at the discretion of the organizers, and all deposits and/or payments will be forfeited. This is a family friendly event. Please act accordingly.
This Booth is defined as: A 6’ x 6’ space surrounded by pipe and drape on 3 sides (6’ x 8’ in the back and 6’ x 3’ on the sides), one chair, one 4’ table, one trashcan, access to electricity, one weekend pass and one weekend parking pass. If additional furniture or passes (ie. chairs, tables, and/or lamps) are needed then they can be rented/purchased via the options above. Any additional material provided to the Exhibitor(s) is at the discretion of the promoter. If you plan on having an artist working in your booth then they must be vetted, and approved by RVA Tattoo Arts LLC.
Placement of the booth within the floor plan is at the discretion of RVA Tattoo Arts LLC unless otherwise requested via the options above.
The Exhibitor agrees to not alter the size of the booth assigned to them. The Exhibitor also agrees to not tape, nail, or use other adhesion methods to puncture and/or damage the property of RVA Tattoo Arts LLC and Shamin/Koger LLC (the venue parent company). If damages are incurred, the Exhibitor agrees to reimburse the RVA Tattoo Arts LLC and Shamin/Koger LLC (the venue parent company). This includes damages caused by themselves, their agents, employees, subcontractors, and guests.
Payment in full is due, within one month of receiving this application. Please be aware that the convention is booked on a first come, first served basis and space is very limited. If we do not receive your application within one month then you will forfeit your position within our convention
The Organizer reserves the right to photograph and video record the Convention, including Exhibitor booths and personnel, for promotional purposes. By participating in the Convention, Exhibitors grant the Organizer the right to use these images and recordings in marketing materials, social media, and other promotional activities.
RVA Tattoo Arts LLC is not responsible for the amount of income that is generated via your booth and/or location. All sales are final and no refunds will be issued.
This contract may not be altered except by amending the agreement in writing, and agreed to by all parties/agents involved including RVA Tattoo Arts LLC.
Each obligation or agreement of a party contained in this contract, even though not expressed as a covenant, is considered for all purposes to be a covenant.
Exhibitors selling any merchandise have been provided with a Temporary Sales Tax Certificate/Return ST-50 form. You are required by law to file tax with the Commonwealth of Virginia on all retail sales made in Virginia.
The Exhibitor understands that the sale of tattoo machines, inks, and/or equipment to the general public is forbidden, and in violation of this contract. Any violation of this contract may result in the immediate removal from the convention.